Philadelphia Flower Show


Shakkei 06.11-06.19. 2022 Philadelphia

In our daily encounter with nature, seedlings become harbingers of hope, while growth unfolds as an exhilarating journey. The vibrant spectacle of full blossoms radiates positive energy, enveloping us in a comforting embrace. Amidst the natural beauty, the introduction of one hard-scape element stands out—the see-through screen layers. These transparent additions extend the diversity of our senses and ignite the flames of imagination in this small garden, enriching our connection with the world around us.

In the heart of our Patio Garden Design at the Philadelphia Flower Show 2022, we embark on a symbolic journey through nature. It unfolds as a passage, beginning with the delicate emergence of small seedlings and evolving into the flourishing presence of mature plants. Together, they navigate the changing landscape with resilience, regardless of the circumstances they encounter. This garden encapsulates the enduring spirit of nature, illustrating the beauty and strength that arise from every stage of the journey.One traditional Asian Landscape design principle; Shakkei (borrows scenery) assists to provide vibrant layers of nature in the small Philadelphia garden.